Brion Beller

Taoist and Ryukyu Kempo Studio
Professional: Dual Certification


Certified Qigong Instructor having completed The Institute of Chinese Energy Healing’s 500 hour course . Then being Certified by Teacher Michael Lomax and the NQA. I’ve held this Certification for over 10 years and will be applying for level IV Certification as I’ve been Michael Lomax’s senior student and Assistant Instructor at all in person and distance classes.

I have assisted Michael Lomax in planning and executing Distance Classes - Institute of Chinese Energy Healing - training students all over the world. At this time I have completed several hundred hours of teaching in this format.  In addition, I am planning to provide Zoom classes 2-3x per week for my students in the U.S.

I have attended every seminar in the past approx 20 years that have been held by Michael Lomax/ Institute of Chinese Energy Healing.  This seminars are generally 3-5 days in length and 8 hours per day.  We generally (pre-Covid ) had 3-4 seminars per year.  So , I have generally spent 120+ hours of study per year over the past 20 years.

I have added Qigong Classes to my Martial Arts classes. I have been involved in and teaching Martial Arts including focus on the energy channels and 5 element approach to effectively and quickly end a confrontation since 1976.  I added teaching separate Qigong classes around 2003 and teach 2-3 one hour classes per week - for beginners, intermediate, and advanced students.  Also, since becoming Michael Lomax’s/Institute of Chinese Energy Healing’s senior student/Assistant Instructor I have taught students at seminars and through distance classes approx 120 hours per year over the approx last 20 years.

Membership Type

Professional: Dual Certification

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